Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

bab 3


            This chapter consists of the research design, research setting, research subject, research instrument, data collection and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design
            The research design used in this study is classroom action research (CAR). Ferrance (2000:1) states that action research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research.  This research was dealt with the development of teaching learning strategy through PPP (Presentation, Practice and Production) to improve the students’ speaking competence.
            According to Wallace (1992), action  involves the collection and analysis of data related to some aspect of our professional practice. It is done so that we can reflect on what we have discovered and apply it to our profesional action. This is where it differs from other more traditional kinds of research, which are much more concerned with what is universally true, or at least generalisable to other context.
            Kemmis (1998) has developed a simple model of the cyclical nature of the typical action research process.  There are four steps in classroom action research : planning, action, observing and reflection.
            The researcher conducted the study by following the procedure of action research. The procedures of this action research made use of the recycle process starting from planning, action, observation and reflection.

            The following is the classroom action research procedure for the second grade student of MTs Miftahul Huda Ledug Prigen-Pasuruan

3.2 Research Setting

This classroom action research is conducted at MTs Miftahul Huda Ledug Prigen-Pasuruan, which located on Jl Mawar Ledug Prigen – Pasuruan. Exactly at the second grade class and the numbers of the students in this class are 24.
From an observation conducted on March 10, 2011, it was found that the time allotment for every meeting was 2 x 40 minutes. The English teacher usually explained the lesson and used question answer when teaching, she rarely invited the students’ participation in teaching learning process so that the students have lack of participation especially in speaking. Before starting the research, the English teacher was observed several times in conducting this research, the English teacher was asked to give permission to the researcher to teach and observe the students.

3.3 Research Subject
The research subject is 24 students of the second grade at MTs Miftahul Huda Ledug Prigen-Pasuruan. There are 14 male and 10 female students. Based on the researcher’s observation, most of them think that studying English is difficult.
 Therefore, they often keep silent during the teaching and learning process by their own teacher.

3.4    Research Instrument
The instruments that are used by the researcher are observation sheet, field notes, speaking test and questionnaire.
3.4.1                                Observation Sheet
The instrument used to collect the data is observation sheet. The observation sheet was intended to get information about the condition of teaching learning process and to know what the problem faced. The observation is conducted at second grade students of MTs Miftahul Huda Ledug Prigen-Pasuruan. Observation is the daily activities that are done in the class while the teaching learning. the researcher uses observation to collect information during instructional process. The observation sheet involves the activeness of students in practicing English speaking, the students’ speaking performance and the teacher’s performance in implementation the lesson during teaching and learning process. The observation sheet consist of 10 items. (see appendix 3a)
3.4.2        Field Notes
The field notes is also used as instrument for obtaining the necessary information in teaching learning process. The field notes used to record any important data that includes the observation. Field notes involve the situation during teaching and learning process. Besides, the information obtained from instrument was used for either checking the accomplishment of the selected criteria and identifying certain or elements media that need to be revised in the next plan. The researcher uses a field notes in the form of giving of statement form. (see appendix 3b)
3.4.3        Speaking Test
In this research, the researcher gives oral test in the end of teaching learning step. The test was appropriate with the material that had been taught to the students. It is conducted to know the students’ score at the end of cycle.
3.4.4        Questionnaire Sheet
Questionnaire sheet can be relatively easy to prepare, can be used to obtain information. In this research, written questionnaire is given to the students to collect information about the data of students before and after a teaching learning process. It is also given to collect the information directly to have  the data about the students’ motivation and response in learning speaking with PPP (presentation, practice and production). The questionnaire consists of 10 items. It is written in Indonesia to avoid difficulties in understanding the items given. (see appendix 3c)

3.5              Procedures of Data Collection
This classroom action research (CAR) is done to solve the problem dealing with the students’ participation and classroom situation. In other words, teacher improve the theaching learning strategy to improve students; speaking competence. In this data collection include: preliminary study, planning action and reflecting.
3.5.1        Preliminary Study
Before starting the planning, the researcher did some observation to know pre-condition before the classroom action research is done.
3.5.2                                Planning Action
In this case, the researcher prepares everything needed for applying the action. The researcher  also prepares  the material which are taken from local content curriculum and based on the students’ need and the appropriate materials by applying PPP.  Preparing the PPP Procedure
The teacher requires a program, which set down how the PPP is to integrate with the learning activities. The teacher must know the PPP procedure, how the way to apply PPP procedure to improve students speaking ability

Table 3.1 Presentation, Practice and Production guidelines
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
A teacher explains material by setting a situation in topic (read the dialogues/expressing, the material can be achieved by using pictures or others media,)
Students listen to the teacher’s explanation
A  teacher gives clear instruction about the role of teaching
Students ask question for clarification
A teacher says sentences/dialogues/expressing based on the topic
Students listen to the teacher
A teacher asks to the students to repeat after teacher
Students repeat after teacher, in chorus and individually
A teacher explains to the students the next sentences/dialogues/expressing/pictures
Students notice the teacher (they look up the situation in the picture when a teacher use it)
A teacher gives time for students to make new sentences/dialogue related to the topic
Students make the sentences/dialogues
A teacher asks to the students to present it
Students present it (one by one or in the pair work)       Design Lesson Plan
In every meeting the researcher needs to write the lesson plan, because planning is often viewed as a key aspect of teaching a succesful lesson. During the planning, the researcher makes decission about activities, resources, timing, and other aspects of lesson.                                      Preparing Instructional Material and Media
The teaching material is student’s handbook “Look ahead and wonderful world” and student’s work sheet is “LKS Eksis”. The media used are picture, brief conversation script, dictionary, real media, etc that are appropriate with the material.                                      Criteria of Success
The criteria of success are emphasized on the process and the product of learning of speaking skill. In assessing the success of the implementation: (1) the rates of students’ score on speaking competence is 70. (2) the percentage of student who get score 70 is 75 %. (3)  the students showed that they are interest to learn English, had high motivation, and actively involved in instructional avtivities.
3.5.3        Reflecting
Reflecting is a significant way to develop the next cycle. So, reflecting is very significant for the enhancement of the next cycle. The result of the observation during the action indicated the progress and the weakness of the first cycle. The weakness in the first cycle should be eliminated in he next achievement, and then the next step cycle is prepared.

3.6 Procedures of Data Analysis
Data analysis used by researcher is qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data was taken from observation of the result of teacher notes.
Quantitative data was taken from students’ involvement, questionnaire and test. The data obtained from observation checklist of the students’ involvement will calculated in percentages.
The data from the question were analyzed by using the percentage method as follow:
x 100
P  =  F       
Notes : P = percentage
            F = frequency
            N = the number of respondent

The data from test were analyzed by using mean: to get the mean score use the following formula,
M =  Ʃ Fx

M = mean
F = frequency
N = number of the student

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